Amanda Pelkey is among 200 professional hockey gamers protesting insufficient compensation via refusing to play in any seasoned leagues in North America this season.

The Montpelier native helped bring home a gold medal in the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea and has played hockey for the Boston Pride of the National Women’s Hockey League.


Pelkey described NWHL contracts as “basically gas money” and stated the best-paid NWHL agreement for this season was $6,000. Numerous gamers shared an announcement on Twitter in advance this month stating that some gamers earn as low as $2,000. According to the statement, the contracts do not now include health insurance.

Pelkey noted that the NWHL is best in its fifth year. Still, she stated that she and her colleagues are demanding “an expert league that is sustainable,” financially strong, and treats its players “like experts.”

Pelkey mentioned the collective protest as lasting ” 12 months” and called it “considered one of the most important things that we collectively can do.”